Red Dragon

Put a Dragon to work on your next burn Product Description The Red Dragon is a helicopter-mounted device that is used to dispense aerial spheres that ignite controlled or prescribed burns. Its primary function is to inject a measured amount of ethylene glycol into Dragon Eggs (which starts a timed exothermic reaction). Then, the dispenser shoots the …

Green Dragon

Revolutionary new ground launcher for use in controlled burns Product Description The Green Dragon is an automated ground launcher designed and engineered for use in wildfire and land management applications such as back burns or prescribed burning. Its design represents a brand new concept for ground ignition applications using CO2 or compressed air as a …

SEI Industries LTD.
A DART Aerospace Company
7400 Wilson Avenue
Delta, British Columbia
Canada, V4G 1H3

Toll Free: 1-866-570-3473
Phone: 604-946-3131
Fax: 604-940-9566

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