Mini-Berm Mini-Berm Mini-Berm Mini-Berm Mini-Berm
About Mini-Berm
About Mini-Berm About Mini-Berm About Mini-Berm About Mini-Berm About Mini-Berm
Mini-berm spill trays sized right for your needs
Product Description
The Mini-Berm is an ultra-lightweight and convenient spill containment berm for clean-up operations and spill prevention during fuel and chemical transfer. Mini-Berm trays are easy to place under valves, fittings, vehicles or machinery. Totally reusable and compact, the Mini-Berm withstands most liquids, is designed to take standard-sized sorbent pads and helps companies avoid stiff penalties from non-compliance of EPA standards. Meets EPA regulation 40CFR112.7 Available in 14 sizes, with custom sizes available upon request.
- Arctic-Shield fabric is fully certified by Intertek to meet the CAN/ULC-S668-12 standard for liners. This standard is listed in the Storage Tank Systems for Petroleum Products and Allied Petroleum Products Regulations (SOR/2008-197), under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. Verify our Intertek certification here
- Chemical resistant to fuels, oils and most chemicals including acids
- Optional low-cost drain fitting available which allows the drainage of accumulated rainwater. Alternatively, you can connect it to a hose to pump out a spilled product
- Optional berm handles can be attached on the sides or bottom to make liquid handling easier
- Easily placed under valves and fittings, vehicles or machinery
- Totally reusable and compact
- Available in 22oz PVC (yellow), 28oz PVC (orange), 30oz Chem-Shield (black), and two grades of Arctic-Shield: 26.5oz Lightweight & 36oz Heavyweight (green/tan)
- Appropriate for spill containment of waste water, petroleum products and various other chemicals

Mini-Berm Support
Mini-Berm Support Mini-Berm Support Mini-Berm Support Mini-Berm Support Mini-Berm Support
Federal CAN ULC-S668-12