Stilwell Flyer
Stilwell Flyer Stilwell Flyer Stilwell Flyer Stilwell Flyer Stilwell Flyer
About Stilwell Flyer
About Stilwell Flyer About Stilwell Flyer About Stilwell Flyer About Stilwell Flyer About Stilwell Flyer
Helicopter-slung water containers for crews in remote locations
Product Description
Effective on remote, steep, sloped terrain, the Stilwell Flyer is a portable water container that is transportable by helicopter with long line delivery. Constructed of durable, rugged, flexible fabric that is mold and mildew resistant, the innovative tetrahedron shape of the Stilwell eliminates twisting and residual bounce in flight.
Available in standard water or drinking water models, this container provides ground crews with a steady supply of water when no reliable source is nearby.
- Constructed of durable, rugged, flexible fabric that is mold and mildew resistant
- Includes one each fill and drain ports for quick filling and discharge
- Compact for easy storage
- Easy to clean and repair
- Fabric available for potable water use (drinking water) or standard water use (not for human consumption)
- Comes with 4” (98 mm) filler cap
- Comes with ¾” (19 mm) discharge hose with ball valve shut off
- Inexpensive, durable and safe for transport by helicopter
Stilwell Flyer Support
Stilwell Flyer Support Stilwell Flyer Support Stilwell Flyer Support Stilwell Flyer Support Stilwell Flyer Support